
What is DecisionTrak

An important element to our development methodology is our unique and proprietary task tracking system called DecisionTrak. DecisionTrak is a web-based task tracking tool; part incident reporting tool, part project management tool, part resource management tool, and part requirements spec tool.

How We Use DecisionTrak To Help Our Clients

Decision Design makes DecisionTrak available to our clients, for no additional charge, to allow your users, administrators, or technical people the ability to log in change requests, bug reports, incidents, requests for quotes, and other tasks that are then tracked through a formal workflow system. This system is monitored by our project managers and developers to provide high response to client problems or requests.

DecisionTrak is used by all Decision Design employees, every day, on every project. It is central to our development methodology. And it is used by all of our clients, every day on every project too. It is used to learn the status of changes, bugs, problems, questions, and issues. Clients can see the progress of a task, in real time.

Each task created in DecisionTrak, whether created by the client as a problem or request, or by a Decision Design Project Manager or developer, is routed through a workflow process that ensures that the task is assigned and worked on in the most efficient manner. With priority identified, and the project resource team’s roles defined, the task goes directly to the person that need to see the task.

Customized for You

What sets Decision Design apart from other software development companies is our understanding that you are different from any other client we have. We’ve reflected that understanding in the creation of all of our development tools. Our DecisionTrak tool is fully customizable to meet your needs. The look and feel of the user interface can be changed to match your company’s branding, colors and logos. Additionally, all of the fields, labels, status indicators, and email notifications can also be customized to fit your project and reflect what is most important to you.

Notifications and Alerts

For Urgent tasks, we have an elaborate internal notification and alert system that ensures that Urgent problems are identified and resolved immediately, via email and phone notifications to a broad range of key Decision Design individuals, 24 hours a day if necessary. An automated email can be sent when a task is created, changed, assigned, or completed. The email can be sent to a single or multiple addresses, and includes text messaging to cell phones for the most important notifications. DecisionTrak allows clients to see the status and progress of tasks they create, without requiring formal meetings and status reports.


DecisionTrak provides reports that allow clients a self service approach to status reporting, unmatched by other development companies. We can also set up time and billing tracking so project management and financial tasks (hours, invoices, payments) can be viewed, in a self-service manner.

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